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There are two meetings on the fourth Tuesday of every month, an afternoon meeting at 1PM and an evening meeting at 6:30PM, with the following exceptions:
June, July & August – One meeting at 6:00 pm
November – No Meeting
December – “December Tea” held at 9AM on the 1st or 2nd Saturday depending on Church availability.
Guests are always welcome. There is a $10 guest fee.
Program and meeting information can be found here on under the heading of Programs>Meeting Presentations. Click here to visit now.
There is also a Facebook page under the name of “Des Moines Area Quilters Guild”, where meeting information is often posted. Click here to visit that page now.
Through Community Giving, much of the fabric is distributed to the general membership as a kit and then returned back as a completed quilt, which is then distributed to the community as current needs dictate.
The Retreat Committee often requests quilting fabric for a group charity project to be completed at one or both of the guild retreats.
Fashion Fabrics, felt, upholstery fabrics, etc are donated to local schools. The schools use them in a variety of ways – from making costumes to Family and Consumer Science classes.
Donated sewing supplies such as thread and notions are used by Education Outreach and Community Giving, given to local schools, or in some cases sold at our annual sale Mall in the Hall. Funds received at Mall in the Hall support all our charitable efforts.
What you need to do: