Meetings Fourth Tuesday of Every Month at West Des Moines Christian Church
at 1 pm and 6:30 pm

Mall in the Hall

Come to the largest quilter’s rummage sale in Iowa for an opportunity to purchase quilting supplies, fabric, patterns and books at bargain prices!

We are looking forward to the 2024 Mall in the Hall on Saturday, April 20, 2024. It will be held at a NEW location, the Gym at First Church of the Open Bible, 2200 Beaver Avenue, Des Moines. Save the Date cards for the sale will be available when you check in at the Guild meetings. Please share the Save the Date cards with any non-members you know who might be interested. Word of mouth is our best advertising! You can have early entrance to the sale at 8:30 am with a $10 donation.

Your donations for Mall in the Hall are important to help fund charity projects and Education Outreach. Quilt kits are a popular item at the sale. Have you started a project and then decided it just wasn’t for you? Make sure that you have all the pieces and the pattern, put it in a zip top bag, and set it aside to donate.


On Saturday, March 16, from 9:00-11:00 am, you will be able to drop off your donations at the First Church of the Open Bible, 2200 Beaver Avenue, Des Moines. Drive around the building to the Gym entrance on the West side of the building near the south end. Volunteers will be available to help unload your donation from your car.

Please make sure that your donations are in a clean and saleable condition. The donations you bring should be in the condition you would want to purchase. Kits and patterns should be complete. Marking fabric yardage will be helpful. In addition to your donation, plastic grocery bags are needed to use for purchases on the day of the sale, so bring any unneeded bags on March 16 also.

Please do not bring donation items for Mall in the Hall to the Guild meetings. If there is a large donation which needs to be made at a different time, please contact Jill Reber, or