Meetings Fourth Tuesday of Every Month at West Des Moines Christian Church
at 1 pm and 6:30 pm

Small Groups & Special Interest Groups

Small groups and special interest groups are the modern day equivalent of the old fashioned quilting bee.

Many small groups have formed as a result of friendships made through the Des Moines Area Quilters Guild. Small groups range in size from 2 to 25 members. Some groups have been meeting for several years, others are just forming. These groups establish regular meeting times and often meet in one another’s homes or a restaurant, library, church or community center. Small groups may study a common theme, participate in exchanges and/or round robins, take shopping trips, visit quilt shows, take retreats, volunteer in guild and community projects and participate in a variety of other planned activities.

If you are interested in joining an existing or newly forming small group, please talk to the Vice President or see the list of open groups below.

Special Interest/Open Small Groups:

These groups are open to new members.

While every effort is made to keep the list current, please contact the organizer before trying to attend your first meeting,
in case their meeting info has changed.


A small group for members interested in making bags and totes.
Meets the 1st Saturday of Odd Months (January, March, May, July, September, November) at 9:30 am
Cornerstone Commons Community Room, 6365 Merle Hay Road, Johnston
Contact:  Julie Doy (515)371-7697,

Binding Sisters

Members get together and sew.  At 3 or 4 meetings a year, they make binding for the State Fair Sew-in.
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1 pm
Creekside Quilting, 9926 Swanson Blvd, Clive
Contact:  Phyllis Blood   (515) 255-1100,
The group tries to take one road trip a year.

Block Study Group

Piecers wanted! No appliqué here!
We’ll be sharing information about your favorite and not so favorite pieced blocks. History, stories and piecing techniques will be discussed. 
Meets Third Wednesday of the Month @6:30pm
Westside Senior Center in Valley Junction, 134 6th Street, West Des Moines, IA 50265
Contact: Lisa Zbylicki,

EPP Knicker Knots

Group for persons interested in English paper piecing.
Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1 – 3 pm
Polk County Westside Senior Center, 134 6th Street, West Des Moines
Contact:  Mary Jane Reelitz   (515) 491-1106,
Are you ready to learn more?  This is the group for that!

Focus and Finish

A time and place to bring one project to work toward finishing, with encouragement from quilting friends.
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1 – 5 pm
Urbandale Library, 3520 86th Street, Urbandale
Bring sewing machine & all supplies needed, plenty of space and light for all to work.
Contact:  Mitzi Smith

In Stitches

Members work on hand stitching or cutting fabric.
Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 1 – 3 pm
Urbandale Library, 3520 86th Street, Urbandale
Contact:  Kären Wignall   (515)778-8104,


Rather Bee Quilters

A very small group that has been meeting since the late 1970’s.
Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 1 – 3 pm
Meets in member’s homes
Contact:   Jenny Held   (515) 681-2624,

Sacred Heart Quilters

Members hand quilt around a large frame and are willing to teach new members to hand quilt.
Meet Wednesday mornings from 9 to noon at Sacred Heart Church
Contact Karen Macon @ (515) 371-6167 or email

Sew What

Members meet to socialize and do hand work.
Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10 am
The Iowa Quilt Block, 325 5th St., West Des Moines
Contact:  Eva Marie Evans,, 858-229-214
* meeting may be cancelled due to conflict with class schedule at shop, check with Eva Marie

TAG 2.0

The Appliqué Group (TAG) is for quilters interested in machine or hand appliqué.
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 10 am
The Iowa Quilt Block, 325 5th Street, West Des Moines
Contact:  Susie Martin   (515) 240-2359,
Comments:  This group welcomes new members regardless of skill level or experience with appliqué.

Vintage Sewing Machines

We meet to sew two or three times a year with our various vintage machines. If you would like to join us (with or without a vintage machine) contact Jill Reber (515) 999-2746 or email