Quilt Show
Iowa State Fairgrounds 3000 E Grand Avenue, Des moines, IAIowa State Fairgrounds4-H BuildingSee more info on dmaqg.org/quilt-show
Welcome to our guild calendar! To see months other than the current month, click the carrot to the right of the month name and select the month you wish to see.
Hope to see you at these events!
Iowa State Fairgrounds4-H BuildingSee more info on dmaqg.org/quilt-show
Iowa State Fairgrounds4-H BuildingSee more info on dmaqg.org/quilt-show
Board Meeting: Board members are expected to attend; members are welcome to observe.
Two regular Guild Meetings to choose from, at both 1 pm and 6:30 pm. Attend one or both! See meeting presentations for this month's topic.
Board Meeting: Board members are expected to attend; members are welcome to observe.