We had so much fun going to Lincoln and visiting the International Quilt Museum, we’ve decided to do another road trip – this time to the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival (KCRQF) on Thursday, June 12, 2025.
This trip is open to members only through February 28th, then it will open to non-members if there are still openings. The cost for members is just $39 which includes your admission fee, a couple of goodies, and road trip snacks. The cost for nonmembers is $90. We can accommodate up to 50 people. Due to KCRQF’s requirements, registration is open only until March 15th.
Seventeen local guilds participate in the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival which occurs every two years. The Festival features Special Quilt Exhibits, which highlight quilt artists and community quilt challenges; quilt collections from each of the regional guilds; as well as judged quilts. And, of course, lots of vendors.
There are also a wide variety of classes being offered and there are some that fit into our time schedule if you are interested. Please go to www.KCRQF.com for additional information. You will need to register and pay for those classes directly.
Who: DMAQG members & guests (guests can register between February 28 – March 15 if there is space)
What: Fabulous fun filled trip with quilting friends
When: June 12, 2025 departing 7:30 am returning between 8 & 9 pm
Where: Merle Hay Mall parking – south side of Younkers, north of IHOP
Why: To see some fabulous quilts, maybe take a class, and enjoy a day with friends
How: Register with the button below, payment by PayPal or check.
Payment must be received by March 15, 2025.
There is a food court at the Convention Center and I will provide a list of nearby restaurants to those on the trip in case you want to get away for a little bit. We are not planning on stopping for dinner, so you may want to pack a snack for the trip home in case the onboard snacks aren’t enough.
If you have questions, please contact our tour coordinators:
Beth Freeman befree1954@hotmail.com 913-209-0634
Denise Rairdin universityvacuum@gmail.com 515-205-5533
BUS TRIP IS FULL, please contact Beth or Denise to be put on the waiting list.