I cannot believe this weird summer, one day it’s 80 and the next 67. I hope you are all faring well with all the rainy weather and terrible storms going through our state. I have been hunkering down in my sewing room and working on making small bags for the Silent Auction at our Quilt Show in October. I hope they will be a good “buy it now” item. Also, a good way to use up some material I forgot I had. That’s what happens when your “stash” gets too big!
The Charity Auction is drawing closer. August 26 will be here before we know it. I still need one person to work as a runner from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. and one person to serve as an announcer’s assistant during that same time slot. Please email me at uagena@netins.net if you can fill either of those spots.
This year your Charity Auction donations can be directed to the American Heart Association, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, or the Alzheimer’s Association. All of these organizations are helping with women’s health issues.
I hope you all had a good 4th of July and that your summer becomes a little brighter and warmer. One thing you have to love about Iowa weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change.
Mildred Agena