Meetings Fourth Tuesday of Every Month at West Des Moines Christian Church
at 1 pm and 6:30 pm

2014 Charity Auction

Our Annual Charity Auction is almost here!

Replacing the regular 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. meetings on August 26, 2014, this special event is not to be missed!
1:30-4:30 Drop off item donations for the Mall in the Hall (see details below)
3:00 Coffee Shop opens
5:00  Mall in the Hall Sale Starts (including Christmas Boutique – see below)
6:00 – Live Auction Starts
This year your Charity Auction donations can be directed to the American Heart Association, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, or the Alzheimer’s Association.  All of these organizations are helping with women’s health issues.

Mall in the Hall

Mall in the Hall is an exciting part of the Women’s Charity Auction evening.  This wonderful giant quilting garage sale is a great place to purchase books, tools, fabric kits, and much, much more.

This year we are making a few changes in the Mall in the Hall procedures:

  • The committee will do all the pricing.  This will keep prices more consistent and fairer to all.  Bring your items to Fellowship Hall from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the day of the auction.  Items should be worth less than $50.  The committee will move items to the live auction, if needed.
  • Bring items sale ready.  Items that need to be kept together need to be in a clear plastic bag or container.  Please make sure to indicate yardage on fabric.
  • Only the Mall in the Hall committee will be allowed in Fellowship Hall until the Mall in the Hall sale starts at 5:00 p.m.  This will insure that all will have a chance to get the bargains.
  • After dropping off your items for Mall in the Hall, go enjoy refreshments at the coffee shop which opens at 3:00 p.m. This will be an opportunity to meet and greet other Guild members.
  • A new addition to Mall in the Hall will be the Christmas Boutique.  Please see the following article to get ideas that you can contribute to this new area.
  • As always, you will pay for Mall in the Hall items in Fellowship hall.

Let’s make this the best Mall in the Hall ever!

Something New at the Charity Auction! Christmas Boutique

We have heard many of you say that you wish you could buy more affordable finished items at the auction.  This year we are opening a Christmas Boutique in the Mall in the Hall.

Items for sales will be new or gently used Christmas ornaments and handmade items that are suitable as Christmas gifts.  All items will be priced between $2 to $50 dollars. It will be a great way to buy a special gift for friends and family.

If you wish to make items for the Christmas Boutique, please make items that you would like to receive as a gift at Christmas – tree ornaments, coasters, table runners, candle mats, small quilted bags, stuffed toys, children’s quilted books, etc.

Please give those items to the Mall in the Hall committee between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on August 26.  The committee will price the items.

Unfinished items and/or kits will be placed in the regular Mall in the Hall.

Thank you for your continued support of the Women’s Charity Auction!